
Augustine versus Luther on Sin, Sexuality, and Salvation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Augustine of Hippo and Martin Luther had absolutely foundational influences over the thought, practice, and development of Christian theology. Yet somehow the work of these two theological giants has produced out-of-balance perspectives within Protestantism on marriage, sexuality, and singleness—thanks to Augustine’s view of sexuality as shameful and Luther’s exaltation of marriage as the sure...

these emotions in His human soul.”10 Augustine’s distinction between good and corrupt concupiscence lies in the struggle between desires of the spirit and desires of the flesh. Desires of the spirit can be concupiscentia bona or concupiscentia naturalis. Concupiscentia bona is “a concupiscence of the spirit against the flesh, and a concupiscence of wisdom.”11 When a person desires the things of the spirit, those things that come from or point to God, he or she is embracing the purpose of human existence.
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